the way you want it
Find your ideal parquet among our collections.
Enter and explore the unique world of our wooden floors. You will find modern lines, parquet inspired by tradition, the purity of wood and the creativity of our creations.

the way you want it
Let your creativity inspire you, let your dream guide you. Browse through the nuances of our finishes and find your ideal parquet based on the color you prefer.
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the way you want it
A wooden floor can have many shapes. With this itinerary we can help you to find the ideal solution for your project, basing on the pattern or size. Enter and discover all the forms of beauty of the wood.
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the way you want it
Find your ideal parquet among our collections.
Enter and explore the unique world of our wooden floors. You will find modern lines, parquet inspired by tradition, the purity of wood and the creativity of our creations.

the way you want it
Let your creativity inspire you, let your dream guide you. Browse through the nuances of our finishes and find your ideal parquet based on the color you prefer.
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the way you want it
A wooden floor can have many shapes. With this itinerary we can help you to find the ideal solution for your project, basing on the pattern or size. Enter and discover all the forms of beauty of the wood.
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THERMO collection
The Thermo-Treated Oak collection is made through a high-temperature heat treatment in order to improve some features of the product, such as, to increase its dimensional stability and its resistance to biological deterioration, also giving warmer color shades to the parquet.
It is proposed in two different versions 130° and 160° C. Depending on the temperature to which the wood is subjected, it takes a different color tone (more or less dark) over the entire thickness of the noble layer, thus allowing, even in the case of future re-sandings, to restore the parquet to its original state.
MIND collection
MIND is a fresh and bold collection, designed for people with more modern tastes. A line in which design is born from refined manufacturing and from the quality of the raw material.
The innovative colors are characterized by light nuances, enhanced by the touch of warmth typical of wood. Here you can find trendy parquet flooring: the shades of grey and white are accompanied by the most neutral ones.
SPIRIT collection
Contemporary with a touch of romance. SPIRIT is born from the union between past and modernity, the ideal parquet if you want to enjoy new trends, with an unconventional note given by the decapé process.
The vintage taste combined with a selection of modern colors, give this line a nostalgic but at the same time innovative soul.
LIFE collection
The classic colors of LIFE collection make each room be the ideal scenario to live.
A parquet that knows no age, always beautiful and dateless.
Thanks to the selection of colors and finishes capable of combining in harmony with all furnishing styles, LIFE is the expression itself of the wooden floor in its most genuine meaning.
TIME collection
A mix of exotic wood species coming from every corner of the planet, to make you relive the atmospheres of those wonderful, unknow places, deeped in the wildest nature.
In TIME we have collected the floors that tell about adventurous travels and different cultures, Iroko, Doussié, Teak, Wengé and many more, to let you express your most audacious and sophisticated side.
SOUL collection
If to recall the mountain atmospheres in an authenthic way is what you want, with the larch of the SOUL collection you can experience all the emotion of the forests.
We have declined the majesty and beauty of this wood specie in multiple shades, capable of satisfying your desire of nature.
IDENTITY collection
The parquets of the IDENTITY collection speak to your deeper side, the most connected with nature. The skilful handmade treatment, gives this flooring a genuine, distressed and rustic look.
Hand planing and deep brushing enhance knots and wood grains, drawing a map that promises a journey into the most genuine emotions.
MEMORY collection
MEMORY collection contains those wooden floors that have a soul. Extremely textured parquet characterized by an unusual origin and an almost unique processing of the raw material.
Here you find a wood with a past and an history, which has shaped its look, enhanced through slow and skilful craftmanship.
BOISERIE collection
The coverings of the BOISERIE Collection represent the right solution for every need for personalized and original furnishings. Seven elegant textures, available in the main Ideal Legno finishes.
Contact our sales office for further information.
The Design Collection by Ideal Legno is a parquet system that, starting from a linear and essential format, allows for a wide variety of modular combinations. Thanks to its exceptional flexibility of installation, it adapts perfectly to any spatial and stylistic requirement, creating wood flooring with a fluid and dynamic aesthetic.
The broad selection of tones and the exceptional versatility of the available solutions make the Design Collection ideal for both classic and contemporary spaces. This parquet embodies the perfect blend of elegance and functionality, offering refined and sophisticated options to enhance any type of decor.
The uniqueness of a design that amazes, the desire to experiment and find your own style. With our patterns you can play and create, for a refined and always sparkling effect.
Between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the dynamic life of the cities poured into the luxury apartments, it is here that the most classic flooring, the fishbone, finds its peak, where rhythm and precision give great elegance to the rooms.
MIND collection
MIND is a fresh and bold collection, designed for people with more modern tastes. A line in which design is born from refined manufacturing and from the quality of the raw material.
I colori innovativi sono caratterizzati da sfumature chiare, esaltate dal tocco di calore tipico del legno. Qui puoi trovare i parquet di tendenza: le sfumature dei grigi e dei bianchi si accompagnano alle tinte più neutre.
SPIRIT collection
Contemporary with a touch of romance. SPIRIT is born from the union between past and modernity, the ideal parquet if you want to enjoy new trends, with an unconventional note given by the decapé process.
Un pizzico di vintage unito ad una selezione di colori moderni, danno a questa linea un’anima nostalgica, ma allo stesso tempo innovativa..
LIFE collection
The classic colors of LIFE collection make each room be the ideal scenario to live.
A parquet that knows no age, always beautiful and dateless.
Grazie alla selezione di tinte e finiture capaci di abbinarsi in armonia con tutti gli stili arredativi, LIFE è l’espressione stessa del pavimento in legno nella suo significato più autentico.
TIME collection
A mix of exotic wood species coming from every corner of the planet, to make you relive the atmospheres of those wonderful, unknow places, deeped in the wildest nature.
In TIME abbiamo raccolto i pavimenti che raccontano viaggi lontani e culture diverse, Iroko, Doussie, Teak, Wengé e molti altri, per lasciarti esprimere il tuo lato più avventuroso e ricercato.
SOUL collection
If recall the mountain atmospheres in an authenthic way is what you want, with the larch of the SOUL collection you can experience all the emotion of the forests.
Abbiamo declinato la maestosità e la bellezza di questa essenza in più sfumature, capaci di soddisfare il tuo desiderio di natura.
IDENTITY collection
The parquets of the IDENTITY collection speak to your deeper side, the most connected with nature. The skilful handmade treatment, gives this flooring a genuine, distressed and rustic look.
Piallatura e sabbiatura esaltano nodi e venature, disegnando una mappa che promette un viaggio nel mondo delle emozioni più autentiche.
MEMORY collection
MEMORY collection contains those wooden floors that have a soul. Extremely textured parquet characterized by an unusual origin and an almost unique processing of the raw material.
Qui trovi il legno con un passato e una storia, che ne ha modellato le forme, esaltate attraverso lente e sapienti lavorazioni artigianali.
BOISERIE collection
The coverings of the BOISERIE Collection represent the right solution for every need for personalized and original furnishings. Seven elegant textures, available in the main Ideal Legno finishes.
Contact our sales office for further information.
The uniqueness of a design that amazes, the desire to experiment and find your own style. With our patterns you can play and create, for a refined and always sparkling effect.
Between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the dynamic life of the cities poured into the luxury apartments, it is here that the most classic flooring, the fishbone, finds its peak, where rhythm and precision give great elegance to the rooms.

We have been producing parquet for two generations. Our skills have deep roots in the craftmanship art of wooden floors production. Our mission is to offer Made in Italy parquet, using the best raw materials, which can express in a unique way the style and atmosphere you are looking for for your interior design project.